Thoughts on Nonprofit Leadership

In Pursuit of Both Mission and Money development planning for executive directors fundraising

If you want to make as much money as you can while advancing your mission, you need four things: 1) strict adherence to mission; 2) revenue-generating activities that make more than they cost; 3) a lens that will help choose among the numerous fundraising options available and 4) a calendar that...

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How to Stand Out to Your Business Community corporate giving fundraising relationship building

How do you get a business to entertain your donation request? Differentiate your nonprofit, that is, stand out from all the other nonprofits with their hands out too. And then don’t ask for a donation. Instead, engage in a partnership.

Free Online Training

Today we’re going to talk...

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To Bring in the Money, Be a Mission Hawk building community support development planning for executive directors fundraising

We’ve all heard it, “No mission, no money.” But what does that mean exactly? After all, sometimes you just need to make money to get through. It doesn’t always have to be related to your mission, right? Wrong. If you want to stay within the purposes of your Articles of...

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Fundraising Plans: One Size Does NOT Fit All development planning for executive directors fundraising

Several times over the course of my career I have been asked to implement a particular fundraising activity because Organization X raised hundreds of thousands of dollars by doing it. While I, too, want to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, I do not want to do it solely based on what worked...

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How to Be Proficient at Fundraising evaluation fundraising


To be successful at fundraising, you need to learn from previous fundraising experiences, either yours or someone else’s. Look at what your nonprofit has done in the past to try and raise money. If you work for a startup with no fundraising history, learn from your peers. When you...

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The Last Ten Days of 2020: If you Havenโ€™t Yet, Start Now to Improve Your Annual Fundraising Results development planning fundraising

It’s December 22, 2020. It’s probably slow at your office, with many of your co-workers or employees off for the holidays. I always liked being in the office during this time. I liked the fact that I had more time than usual to concentrate on improving my year-end fundraising results...

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Effective Fundraising Techniques for Reaching Millennial Donors fundraising marketing and communications relationship building

Segmenting your donors into age grouping, researching those age cohorts and using the information to then develop specific fundraising techniques that appeal to each separate generational group can drastically improve your fundraising results. Successful fundraising campaigns start with...

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Effective Fundraising Techniques for Reaching Greatest Generation Donors fundraising marketing and communications relationship building

As every fundraiser knows, donors are a set of very diverse of people. Characteristics vary by age, gender, ethnicity, education, and socio-economic status among others. But an individualized communication to every one of hundreds or thousands of donors is too costly to implement. You must group...

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Effective Fundraising Techniques for Reaching Generation Z Donors fundraising marketing and communications relationship building

In the past four blogs, we have covered the generation characteristics of the Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials. We referred you to the census bureau and The Center for Generational Kinetics for readily available, no cost generational cohort information.  We talked...

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