Thoughts on Nonprofit Leadership

How to Set Good Revenue Goals Amidst COVD-19 development planning financial management for executive directors

In some nonprofits, the fundraising goal is determined by a budget deficit. Expenses are set first, then committed revenues are put in. The deficit is the fundraising goal for the year. For other nonprofits, the annual fundraising goal is last year’s budget increased by whatever percentage....

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The Last Ten Days of 2020: If you Havenā€™t Yet, Start Now to Improve Your Annual Fundraising Results development planning fundraising

It’s December 22, 2020. It’s probably slow at your office, with many of your co-workers or employees off for the holidays. I always liked being in the office during this time. I liked the fact that I had more time than usual to concentrate on improving my year-end fundraising results...

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Developing a Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy that Optimizes Fundraising Performance development planning financial management

Every executive director, board member and fundraising professional I know wants to increase income for their nonprofit organization. The question they have is, “What nonprofit fundraising strategy will generate the most income?”

By increasing income, I mean increasing net income....

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Creating a Fundraising Budget that Increases Both Mission and Money development planning financial management

Do you want to raise more money in 2021 than you did in 2020 for your nonprofit agency’s mission? Do you want to have money left over after all the bills are paid? Do you want your nonprofit to make the most money it can? Then you need three things: 1) strict adherence to mission; 2)...

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2021 Grants Planning development planning grant writing

So, one of your nonprofit fundraising goals for next year is to increase your agency’s income from foundations. After all, according to Giving USA, foundations account for 17 percent of the charitable dollar. And they tend to give larger, major gifts. And, according to the Fundraising...

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What You Can Still Do to Increase Your Individual, Foundation and Corporate Donations development planning fundraising

It’s the last month of the year. There’s just one month to go to bring in that last bit of money and increase those 2020 fundraising results. What are the things that you can still do to improve your fundraising performance? What can you do now that will improve 2020 results and put...

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The Last Two Days of 2019 development planning fundraising

Where are you with your fundraising efforts? What are you doing in these waning days of 2019 to improve your annual fundraising results?

  • Do you have follow-up emails going out today and tomorrow to donors who haven’t given yet?
  • Do you have thank you letters to get out?
  • Are your social...
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The Last Nine Days of 2019: If you Havenā€™t Yet, Start Now to Improve Your Annual Fundraising Results development planning fundraising

It’s December 23, 2019. It’s probably slow at your office, with many of your co-workers or employees off for the holidays. I always liked being in the office during this time. I liked the fact that I had more time than usual to concentrate on improving my year-end fundraising results...

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2020 Grants Planning development planning grant writing

So, one of your goals for next year is to increase your agency’s income from foundations. After all, according to Giving USA, foundations account for 18 percent of the charitable dollar. And they tend to give larger, major gifts. And, according to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, it...

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