Thoughts on Nonprofit Leadership

How Businesses Give corporate giving fundraising

In Creating Awareness in the Business Community we talked about how you can raise your nonprofit’s visibility to the business community. In Helping Business Professionals Meet Their Goals we discussed ways you can help meet their marketing and net income goals, on which they spend millions...

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Sealing the Business Donation Deal corporate giving relationship building

Congratulations! The company you targeted acknowledged the benefits of partnering with your nonprofit and you’re close to a deal. How do seal it?

Make No Assumptions

Number one, don’t assume anything. It ain’t over ‘til it’s over. For example, they may tell you they...

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Speaking Business Language corporate giving marketing and communications

Business professionals often speak a language foreign to many nonprofit practitioners. To be able to connect with them so they easily understand you, you need to become familiar with common business jargon. You want each side to understand the messages you send to one another.

You also want to be...

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What Businesses Want corporate giving

Probably the biggest principle to remember about developing relationships with for-profit businesses, is that you are entering into an exchange relationship where both parties give and get something of value. It’s a two way-relationship. That is, you give to them and they give to you. You...

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