Thoughts on Nonprofit Leadership

Nonprofit Donor Prospecting: How to Master the Basics for executive directors fundraising

Here’s a familiar scenario. (If you’re an experienced nonprofit executive, I’m almost certain you’ve been here. I know I have.) The rest of your office is dark. The last staff went home hours ago. You’re still handcuffed to your desk, crunching budget numbers. At...

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Building Relationships with Millionaire Nonprofit Donors with Major Gifts Fundraising for executive directors fundraising

In all this talk about the Major Gifts Fundraising philosophy, I understand the pushback from the nonprofit industry at large. For years, nonprofit leaders became entrenched in outdated practices that have left organizations of all sizes scrambling for competitive grant funding and losing money...

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The 3 Phases of Major Gifts Fundraising for executive directors fundraising

Anything worth doing is worth doing right. Quite clearly, nonprofit fundraising is one of those worth-doing things for millions of charitable missions out there. But in which fundraising activities is your nonprofit investing to actually bring the gratification, freedom, (and tangible results) of...

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Major Gifts Fundraising: The ONLY Way to Grow Nonprofits for executive directors fundraising

For years, I’ve been preaching ways for nonprofit leaders to fundraise without breaking their backs. Anyone who’s ever been stuck in an office 70 hours a week – zombified by caffeine, bloodshot eyes reviewing the 15th grant proposal that month, cringing that the annual...

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Nonprofit Management Philosophy: Go Where the Gold Is! for executive directors fundraising

Let’s sit down for a minute and envision nonprofit management and fundraising. Do you see yourself slaving away over mountains of grant proposals or coordinating ornamental butter sculptures at the annual fundraising gala? Do you see disappointment over failures – going the extra...

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Case for Support: The Backbone of the MGRU Model for executive directors fundraising

I remember coming across the Major Gifts Ramp-Up™ Model (and its crazy-like-a-fox architect) several years back. I didn’t know it at the time, but Jimmy LaRose and I had been tackling the same goals for nonprofit fundraising clients for many decades between us. Only the language was...

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Managing Reactions to Change board relations for executive directors

      This article is about understanding and dealing with people’s reactions to change. People react to change in predictable ways, as do organizations, and they generally don’t like it, even if the change is for the better. Be ready for change. Change will happen if...

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Ready, Set, Goā€¦Make Your Vision a Reality for executive directors

     This article is about how to make your vision a reality. Last week in 3 Steps Toward Achieving Your Wildest Dreams we talked about the role visioning plays in achieving nonprofit sustainability. This week we address how to prepare your organization for the changes that will...

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3 Steps Toward Achieving Your Wildest Dreams for executive directors

      This article is about achieving your dreams and taking the first steps toward sustainability. Imagine your nonprofit attaining sustainability and you accomplishing more in less time and effort, taking a vacation and spending your nights and weekends with family and friends....

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